First tech demo with Arduino
I wanted to take my mind off the concept part and worked on a first demo with ardiuno. A technology I would like to learn more about.
Last year I was introduced to Arduino for the first time. I think it's cool to look beyond a 2D screen and keyboard. How can I control my PC in an alternative way using an Arduino Micro and gyroscope sensor (type MPU 6050). I made this demo to know more about Arduino, I would like to do something with Arduino in my passion project.
Now what if you could literally surf through the web? I made a surfboard with a built-in gyroscope sensor (at 1/30 scale). When you stand on this surfboard you can lean forward or sideways. These commands are converted into Mouse.x and Mouse.y values and are sent to the computer via USB thanks to the Arduino Micro.
Javascript can read these values and do all kinds of things with them. In this case, an arrow points to where the surfer is going.