
First steps toward a concept

In this blog post I'll take you through my thoughts to a first few concepts

  • # Brainstorm
  • # Exploration
  • # Concept

For my first drafts, I used the client JEF as a point of departure. Since the theme of their festival is very similar to my studies in high school (something with sciences), I think it would be fun to do something in that genre as well. Moreover, I can then get my old study books out of the old box again.

In physics and chemistry we saw how small some objects can be (e.g. atoms), in geography we saw how big some objects can be (e.g. the sun). It's hard to estimate how big or small these objects are sometimes, especially for children. Then I wondered how to represent this in an interactive and technological way. Preferably in the form of an installation, or something with A.R. This could be a starting point for a first concept.

On the other hand, I also have a passion for art. How can I make sure that children learn more about (Flemish) paintings together in a playful way. This is where I came up with the idea of having children act out a painting together as quickly as possible. A set-up then registers whether this has been successful or not. The technology I need for this, leans towards the lessons AI. However, I will have to study this in more detail if I want it to be stable and work well. Perhaps I can make use of a Kinect sensor.
