
Making of: The Connectbauble

Sending data from the web to the Arduino: check. Sending dat from the Arduino to the web: check. Sending data from Arduino to Arduino:

  • # IoT
  • # Ardiuno<->Arduino
  • # Battery

Before reading this blog, check out the concept of the connectbauble

One of my goals was to connect an Arduino to an Arduino over the web. Now what if I could make a Christmas ball smart? What if you could connect a Christmas ball to the internet cool right? Well I did it.

I started with a hollow plastic ball. In it I placed a wooden circle with a second Arduino uno WiFi that I had bought. The cool thing is that there is no cable coming out of the ball, not even a power cable. You can power the board with a 9V battery.


I wanted to make this ball completely sealed, almost watertight. I had to find a way to turn it off and on then without opening the ball. I drilled a hole in the ball to put an on-off switch through. I soldered the 9V battery clip to the switch. There was just 1 small problem, the connector on the other side of the 9V clip was too wide for the Christmas ball. Fortunately you can also power an Arduino through the vin and ground connections, problem solved


Final results: This is one of the coolest things I've made. Just the fact that I can make something so small completely wireless. It seems so advanced that you can buy it in the store. When you turn it on, it automatically connects to a WiFi network. It is also connected to the databse. When you shake the ball, there will be a heart displayed in the leds of the connectree.
