Flash memory problems part 2
I tried a few other things to free up more space on my Arduino board.
Beyond the recources Arduino gave me, I started looking for other options. For example, it is possible to connect two Arduinos together to have twice as much storage, or to have 5 times as much flash memory as I can connect an Arduino mega. This would then be done via the I2C principle, that way you have a 'master' and 'slave' arduino. Then I can handle all the WiFi stuff on the Arduino Uno WiFi, and all the led logic on the Mega.
A second way is to move all logic back to the browser/JavaScript/PC. This is something I've talked about in a previous blog. I didn't want to do this at first because I really wanted the Arduino to be able to work completely stand alone. Otherwise, a browser window would have to stay up every time after sending a message. Or I would always have to connect a computer via USB cable and work via electron, this was not my goal. So this does not seem an option to me, it does not outweigh the benefits (the only benefits are more moving led animations and that you can also send numbers).
On the back of the box I read that my board has 256KB 'EEPROM'. Perhaps I can store my arrays on this. I also found online that you can store things using the PROGMEM function. But this tells the compiler 'put this information in flash memory', rather than in SRAM, where it would normally go. So this is just the opposite of what I want to achieve